Thursday, June 7, 2012

CMH Launch Party

Untitled Untitled Untitled
(I'll be doing a post on what I'm wearing here so stay tuned.)
I'm not sure how many of you get involved with local fashion, but I attended my first fashion event for Columbus last night. In spite of feeling like a fish out of water with "real" models and stylists, I was pleasantly surprised by how relaxed I felt once there.

Blogging kinda puts me in a bubble. Occasionally, I'm recognized in stores; but for most the most part, I blend in like everyone else in Columbus. So when the board member from CMH Fashion Week recognized me and said she read my blog, I instantly starstruck as if I had just been introduced to celebrity. I completely forgot my words. (I can write, but voice on voice interaction was lost.)

Therefore I'm not only encouraging all of you to get plugged in to your local fashion scene, but also come hang out with me at mine so I look less awkward. :)

Check out Ladybird if you like the above looks.

Mark your calendars:
Official Fashion Week of Columbus:  October 14-20
Oct. 14:  The Mayor's High Fashion Tea
Oct. 15-18:  Fashion Events
Oct. 19:  The Finale Runway Show, featuring top local designers
Oct 20:  Fashion Market Place by S.W.A.G.G. Revolution.


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