Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6. transitions





Transition from early spring to temperatures found in the 5th circle of Hell literally happened over night.  Don't get me wrong--I'm beyond thrilled for the sunshine, but give a girl some warning.

I now understand why fashion likes to stay focused on the next season:  because you never really know when the next one is popping up.  I was cruising some of my favorite fashion websites, which have started dedicating attention to Fall 2011 trends and clothing lines.  I'm all about being prepared, but I technically just finished putting all my winter clothes away.

With temperatures in the 90s, I have lived in tank tops and shorts.  My favorite shorts have been DIY cut offs made from old jeans found in a thrift store and these from JCrew.

Speaking of summer trends, I saw an article on Refinery 29 about whether or not to go bra-less.  I know it's hot outside, ladies but keep them covered and supported.  No one needs to witness a circus from underneath a t-shirt.  There. I said it.  When in doubt or desperate, go bandeau.

Works Cited:  shorts & tank (jcrew); cardigan (old navy); necklace (target); shoes (thrift)

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