Tuesday, June 21, 2011

14. summer serious







Doin' The Creep

I really wanted to show off my professional serious side since I will soon be job hunting, which like my usual hunting but less fun. I think I may use some of these photos when I turn in my resume, especially the last one.  Everyone needs a creep picture.

Summer was once thought as the glorious months of freedom from school and vacation.  I am technically free from school and currently on vacation, but now I require SPF50 sunblock and afternoon naps...Maybe much hasn't changed since kindergarten after all.

I am reporting to you live from Las Vegas, where it is only mid-afternoon.  I've already had 4hrs of pool time and a few drinks so why not take a break to say, "Hey Y'all!"  We will be seeing the Lion King tonight; it's not my first time but definitely my favorite musical.  Hope your Tuesday is just as slammin'.

Works Cited:  necklace (target); top (xxi); pants (gap); belt (thrifted); shoes & bag (urban outfitters)

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