Friday, May 20, 2011

30 for 30 Remix

When closets get boring, it's time to shake things up a bit.  My current inspiration and brilliant-blogger mastermind Kendi Everyday created the concept of 30 for 30 to teach and challenge readers, along with herself, how to shop and work what is already in possession.

So I'm ready to put my money where my mouth is and challenge my own creativity.  My next 30 outfit posts will be dedicated to the great 30 for 30 remix.  The rules are simple:  30 outfits from 30 items (tops, bottoms, shoes).  To read more about the history and how-to, visit here.

And here's the starting line-up:









6 tops + 5 tanks + 4 cardigans + 1 blazer + 3 skirts + 3 dresses + 4 pants/shorts + 4 shoes =
A party on a dressing rack.
(Yes, I did count it all 20x to make sure I had the right number.)

PS--two weeks til graduation!

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