Thursday, May 26, 2011

3. french fusion







I went on strike against my hair dryer last night, and this is the result.....or consequence.  The second offense occurred after I slept on it. Windy weather....strike 3.  My hope is that I pull off the effortlessly fabulous look like most Parisians do.....Yeah, that was my plan all along.

Do you ever have those days when your dressing routine is just off, but you get so many compliments?  "You look so great!"  Why thank you, I got dressed in the dark. 
This is how it typically happens for me.

I found this shirt while out thrifting, or as I like to call it hunting.  It's kinda one of my favorites because it reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw in Paris.

Works Cited:  shirt, belt, purse (thrift), pants (gap), shoes (payless)

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