Friday, April 15, 2011

max out







One of the most significant aspects I have learned about personal style is how you present yourself.  Grace and composure do not come most natural to me.  I'm typically the person hee-hawing at myself because I just tripped over my own feet leaving a wake of destruction.  I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by people who find this endearing.

I was not made for the runway so supermodels are not worth the aspiration, which brings me to the question, "In whom do you aspire to be like?"  Celebrities, designers, and saints are great; but I am challenged and encouraged by those around me.

I think everyone has that one person in their life who walks into the room and you immediately wants to stand up straighter and spit out the gum that makes you look like a cow chewing on cud.  Role model, mentor, hero-- there is someone who has taught me the epitome of  "lovely."  In my book, a person worth imitating deserves a shout-out:  so thank you, Teresa Davis (my teacher, friend, and supervisor).

Works Cited:  dress, necklace & cardigan (h&m); shoes (thrift); bracelets (xxi)

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